If I Stalk Someone on Instagram will I be Suggested?

If I Stalk Someone on Instagram will I be Suggested

If I Stalk Someone on Instagram will I be Suggested

Let’s be honest; who here hasn’t ever stalked anyone? There’s no one ALIVE in this period who has never done it! The social media app Instagram is essential to the recent, more relaxed generation. With the increased hype and usage, staying connected with your family and friends is more accessible than finding new connections on the app. But what if you start getting noticed while stalking someone’s profile, just claiming it under the heading of finding the “new connections”—of course, there are no ulterior motives here… You do not exist on this planet if you’re not on Instagram.

But what is stalking?

As common as this practice is, let’s take a quick look at what it means. Stalking is when you look at someone’s pictures and videos that are not connected to your Instagram. In other words, go through a person’s profile who’s not on your friend list.

Everyone’s guilty of stalking their high school enemy, crush, or a random attractive person they met at a bus or train station. Or perhaps the school or college’s popular kids, celebrity crushes, not to mention your ex (who doesn’t do that?).

However, you get in a pickle once you realize that the Instagram algorithm which starts suggesting posts you’re interested in and the people you search for to those people. Imagine your ex or school enemies continuously watching your profile pop up in their friend suggestions. Yikes! Now you must be googling, “if I stalk someone on Instagram will I be suggested,” aren’t you? Let’s save you some time and answer your exact question here.

If I stalk someone on Instagram will I be suggested?

The answer to your question, fortunately, is NO. As your anxiety is plummeting and your breathing and heart rate return to normal, here’s to learn what Instagram does. The Instagram algorithm does track the time you spend watching the posts and videos you are interested in. If you stalk someone multiple times, the person probably starts showing under “Suggestions for you” on your profile. However, this does not mean that person is also being suggested your profile under the same heading, considering you don’t have a lot of things in common.

Although you are now at ease since you won’t be caught stalking anyone, this also gives a possibility that you won’t be able to find out if someone is stalking you. It’s a two-way street.

Are all my suggestions “stalkers”?

Easy there—it’s dangerous to get your heart rate to shoot up abruptly repeatedly. So we’ll put you in tranquility. No, not all your friend suggestions are stalkers. There is an excellent probability no one is. Don’t be disheartened by it, though. Instagram doesn’t only suggest people solely based on this factor. There are numerous others that you’ll read further in this article.

Why is there a need for the “Suggestions” feature at all?

As far as your introverted, FBI-agent-personality loves to stalk people undercover without blowing your hideout, Instagram solely wants you to increase your social network. It doesn’t know you work alone or consider yourself a one-person army. It only has a positive intention to suggest people you might be interested in making friends with, who have common interests, or who go to the same places you do.

How does Instagram know whom to suggest?

As we don’t care to admit how insanely addicted we are to stalking, Instagram doesn’t rely on this particular method to suggest people. Instead, other factors help it suggest people.

Mutual Friends

It’s easier for Instagram to suggest people who are your friends of friends. It’s the most convenient way to increase your network when you make a new IG profile and continue building by following your mutual.

Syncing with Facebook and Contacts

Although Facebook is now considered an app for the “elderly,” syncing with your already existing Facebook account helps Instagram to suggest people you are friends with on Facebook.

There is an option in your IG profile that helps you sync your contact list with your account. This step-by-step process will help sync your list.

Using the same hashtags

Those places you’re fond of going to or are an explorer on an adventure. You find cool cafes to hang out in with your friends and visit breathtaking places. Clicking pictures to upload on your profile and using hashtags in your caption seems like an IG-worthy thing. It increases your reach as your posts tend to be visible to people searching for the same hashtag in the “Explore” feature. However, this applies only if your profile is available to “the public.” The higher the usage of that particular hashtag, the more reach you will get. You can use up to 30 hashtags for a single post. Refrain from using too many for it to seem like spam. You will also see people using the same hashtags under “Suggestions for you.”

Based on popularity

There’s no doubt that sometimes Instagram suggests people who aren’t related to you. This is simply because of popularity. Not yours, though—please hold your horses—of the people who are searched for quite a lot. This can be celebrities, influencers, or even your neighbor recently getting a lot of attention. Unfortunately, there isn’t any condition specified for it.


Does Instagram recommend people who stalk you?

It isn’t possible to know if someone visits your profile through Instagram, but there might be other reasons they are suggested. For instance, the data collected from your likes, comments, search histories, locations, etc.

How do you get on someone’s suggestions on Instagram?

Factors like being Facebook friends, syncing phone contacts to your IG profile, and using the same hashtags increase your chances of showing up on someone’s Instagram suggestions.

What does it mean when someone is always at the top of your Instagram story?

People who appear at the top of your list visit your profile the most.


There’s no way Instagram can tell people you’re a stalker. Well, there’s no shame in doing such a thing. It is perfectly normal to stalk people. You may be interested in how they carry themselves or their profile, but there’s no need to put a reason behind doing so. Whatever your reason for stalking someone, you may do it with ease.