Write for Us

You can write for us on topics in the categories related to business, tech, health, crypto, books, psychology, and personal development.

No articles on gambling, betting, or casino related.

  1. Email with subject ‘Write for Us’ at [email protected]
  2. Attach the word doc with Title

Content Guidelines

  1. All posts must be at least 600 words, but long-form content (1,000+ words) is accepted and encouraged.
  2. Articles may include relevant images, videos, and outbound links that improve the overall experience of our community.
  3. Irrelevant hyperlinks will be removed and submissions containing keyword stuffing will be rejected.
  4. Essentials to include in the article
    • Focus keyword
    • Meta description
    • Mark H2, H3 for subheadings

We will let you know about the approval within 24 hours.
The Web Tribune