Insta 101: What does the Green Circle Mean on Instagram?

What does the green circle mean on Instagram

Imagine using one of the most famous social media platforms but not knowing how to use the application like a pro. Yes, you are right; we are talking about Instagram, which has quickly become super popular due to its emphasis on visual content (photos, videos, and live videos). Anyone can share their everyday life happenings online and look at others’ lives too!

Also, it has advantages, such as the fame of showcasing your photography or videography skills on Instagram. Even if you need to improve at it, like being unaware of what does the green circle mean on Instagram, you can always go viral. All you have to do is learn about some hacks and follow the latest trends.

In addition, you might still miss out on many great features and functionality—however, no need to worry. Here, you will find some of the most valuable Instagram features and hacks everyone should know about. You will also learn what does the green circle mean on Instagram and use it wisely.

These tips will help you improve on Instagram, whether choosing the right filter for your photos, improving your bio, using hashtags, or learning about the green circle on Instagram.

So, let’s get started without further ado.

1. Mute accounts that get on your nerves

Many of us follow people who share many stories and post frequently. This might annoy you, but you cannot unfollow them because it will hurt them. So, there is an easy hack to fix this problem. First, go to their profile and press the “following” button.

Now, you will see a mute button, so click on “mute.” You can quickly mute their profile and enjoy using Instagram without getting annoyed.

2. Learn what does the green circle mean on Instagram

Suppose you can see a green circle around a user’s Instagram Story, congrats! It means they trust you and consider you a close friend. If their icon has a green circle around it, they’ve uploaded a personal story that only a few people can see.

You can also create a “Close Friends” list and upload stories only these users will see. If a user’s icon has a green border, they have added you to their Close Friends list. You’ll also see a green label when you open the story that says, “Close Friends.”

3. Insert special characters in your bio

Now that you know what does the green circle mean on Instagram, it’s time to learn some other tricks. Your Instagram bio is your first impression whenever someone visits your profile. It either encourages people to follow you or gives them a valid reason never to revisit your profile. So if you want to have automatic IG followers and make your Instagram profile stand out, do this:

  • Start by opening the Instagram app.
  • Tap on the “Edit Profile,” then type a personalized bio.
  • Now, with the help of your emoji keyboard, choose different types of emojis and special characters.
  • Copy them and add them to your bio.

4. Pin your favorite posts and comments

Everyone has a favorite picture of them that they want everyone to see. If you posted that video or picture long ago, you could easily make it reappear on your profile.

Follow these steps to do that:

  • Next, select the post you want to pin.
  • You will see three dots on the right side. Click on those dots.
  • You will see a “Pin to your profile” option. Select that option, and your post will be pinned.

By pinning your post, Instagram automatically rearranges it on top of your recent posts. So whoever visits your profile will see your pinned posts first, then view other recent posts.

5. Save your desired posts and create a separate collection

If you have already taken enough screenshots of a post and want to save it for future reference, do not worry. Instagram has a perfect feature for that.

Any post that appears has a save button at the bottom of the right side. Click on that, and your post will be saved.

If you want to save some pictures or videos differently than others, then double-press the “save button.” Now an option will appear as a “plus sign,” which means “create an album.” Click on that, and now you can keep adding your posts to that folder. You can also name that folder and create other folders according to your preference.

6. Archive posts from your feed without permanently erasing them

This feature is the most liked feature of Instagram’s audience. You can easily remove any picture from your feed by not deleting it. Here is how to do it:

  • Tap on the post you want to remove.
  • Click on the “archive” icon, and your post will be removed from your feed.

Frequently Asked Questions About Instagram

Q1: How to convert a personal Instagram to a business account?

Go to your install profile and select the settings. Next, tap the Switch to Business Profile option and choose the Facebook account to connect with your business profile. Yes, it is that easy, and anyone can switch to a business account.


Q2: Can we have personal stories on the business profile too?

Yes, the green circle on Instagram stories does not vanish if your account is public. You can always make a Close Friends list on your business profile, just like on a private profile.

Q3: How to view my Instagram business insights?

Go to your business profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner. Now, you will see three vertical lines of different sizes. Select this icon to view your Instagram insights/analytics.


No wonder Instagram is an exciting and fun social networking platform.

With these hacks and features mentioned above, like knowing what does the green circle mean on Instagram, you can discover a whole new world of Instagram. Not just that, but you will act cool in front of your friends and create a close friends list without them knowing! So, what are you waiting for? Try out these fantastic features and enjoy using your favorite app even more.