Ways To Clear Instagram Search Suggestions When Typing

how to clear instagram search suggestions when typing

Social media has become a major part of our everyday lives, and Instagram is no different. We’ve all had that moment when we search for something on Instagram only to be presented with a list of search suggestions we don’t remember typing in. It can be frustrating, so how do you clear these search suggestions? Here are a few tips to help you clear your Instagram search suggestions when typing.


  1. Clear Your Recent Searches

Go to your Instagram profile and tap the search icon to clear your recent searches. From there, tap on the cog wheel at the bottom of your screen, which will take you to the “Settings” page. Scroll down until you see “Clear Recent Searches,” and select this option. This will erase all recent searches from your account.


  1. Sign Out and Sign Back In

Sometimes the simplest solution is to sign out of your Instagram account and sign back in. This will reset all search suggestions, allowing you to start over with a clean slate.


  1. Use Incognito Mode

You can use incognito mode if you don’t want to sign out of your account. Incognito mode allows you to browse privately and does not save your searches. To use this mode, simply tap on the three dots at the top of your Instagram screen, select “Turn On Incognito Mode,” and start fresh with a clean slate.


  1. Delete Unwanted Search Suggestions

You can also delete individual search suggestions by tapping on the X that appears to the right of each search suggestion. This will delete just that one suggestion, not all of them.


  1. Delete the Instagram App and Reinstall

You can always delete the Instagram app from your device and reinstall it if all else fails. This will clear out all search suggestions, giving you a fresh start. Just be sure to have your username and password handy, so you can log back in.


FAQ Section

Q.1. What should I do if the search suggestions still won’t clear?

If the search suggestions still won’t clear, make sure you are using the latest version of Instagram. You can also try deleting and reinstalling the app from your device.


Q2. How secure is incognito mode?

Incognito mode is a secure way to browse privately and does not save your searches. It will keep your account safe and secure, but be aware that other people may still be able to see what you are searching for if they are also logged into their Instagram accounts.


Q3. Is there any way to prevent search suggestions from appearing in the future?

Yes, you can disable the “Recent Searches” feature by going to your profile and tapping on the cogwheel at the bottom of your screen. Scroll down until you see “Disable Recent Searches,” and select this option. This will prevent search suggestions from appearing when you type in the future.


Q4. Are my search suggestions visible to other people?

No, your search suggestions are not visible to other people. When you type in the Instagram search bar, they will only appear on your device. However, if you are logged into another person’s account, they may be able to see what you have searched for.


Q5. Can I clear the search suggestions of someone else’s account?

No, you cannot clear the search suggestions of another person’s account. You can only clear your search suggestions.



The entire process of how to clear Instagram search suggestions when typing can be frustrating, but there are a few simple steps you can take to get rid of them. You can clear your recent searches from the “Settings” page, sign out and sign back into your account, use incognito mode for private browsing, delete individual search suggestions with the X next to each suggestion, or delete and reinstall the Instagram app. You can also disable the “Recent Searches” feature to prevent search suggestions from appearing in the future. Remember, your search suggestions are only visible on your device and not visible to other people. Lastly, you cannot clear another person’s search suggestions, as this is only something you can do for your account.

We hope this guide has helped clear up any confusion regarding how to clear Instagram search suggestions when typing. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Good luck!