Is an electronic control valve useful for Automobiles?


An electronic control valve is a complete system based on different components. Some major ones include fluid control valves, actuators, controllers, and digital sensors.  Now you must know that all these components and the terms we have used are generic as their purpose and work are directly dependent on the type of application. Every element of the control valve is designed in such a way that it helps the operation improve the functioning of the application and make it more effective. In the past manual devices (valves) were used for regulating and monitoring pressure, which wasn’t safe. There was always a chance of losses while using the old control valves, which is why today, people tend to go digital. 


The electronic control valve refers to the digitally controlled devices which can manage the pressure of liquids, semi-liquids, and even gases in a pneumatic system. The pressure regulation is made by simply closing, opening, or partially closing the passageways in the system. The fluid control valve consists of many networked loops to get the most accurate results. 


The modern electronic control valve systems are not only capable of managing the pressure of the medium. Still, they are also used to maintain the level, temperature, and flow of the fluid or gas. This is why you can see that the modern solenoid valve with flow control feature is being used in different industries. For example, today, you can see significant use of the control valves in automobiles. Below we have mentioned where they are used.


Why are electronic flow control valves being used in Automobiles?

One of the most common uses of electronic control valves is in the automobile industry. You must know that cars use different flow control devices that serve other purposes. Below we have discussed where these valves are being used.

  • Electronic control valves are used in engines to regulate the pressure of engine oil pumping in the cylinders. Engine oil rotates in the cylinders at very high pressure, and there is a chance of severe damage if the control valve is not used to manage the outlet pressure. Therefore, you can see modern valves in almost every automobile today.
  • The subsequent l use of the digital flow control valve is to manage the gas in the vehicle’s air conditioning system. AC systems in cars are quite effective because of the accurate regulation of the coolant gases. 
  • Cars that run on compressed natural gas also use the digital flow control valve to ensure proper combustion. If regulators are not used, the gas will leak out, and there can be a severe chance of fire and damage.


Electronic control valve systems are very beneficial for utomobiles as they reduce all kinds of leakages and losses that can occur because of manual management or regulation of fluids!